Sunday, September 21, 2008

Our 9th Anniversary

Here's a picture of me and Bryce on our 9th Anniversary (August 21st). We went to The Melting Pot for a wonderful fondue date. The last 9 years have been the best of my life, thanks to my wonderful hubby. I'm so grateful to have found my soul mate. I love you, Bryce!

Ian is 9 months old today!

It's hard to believe that Ian is already 9 months old. He's a strapping young boy, already wearing 12 month clothes. He loves to crawl around and inspect electrical outlets, climb up our huge flight of stairs, and eat leaves, grass, rocks, dirt, and other choke-able objects. He's very proud of his accomplishments! He smiles so big whenever he is praised or is told he's a "big boy." He says "nigh nigh" and "da da da". He has 2 teeth and seems to have more on the way. Fun times!